VAGRANT Offline Setup

Offline Setup VAGRANT machine 

In my previous post, I walk you through the steps to setup and use Vagrant with VirtualBox and start your first Vagrant project.

In this post I will continue with the offline setup, In some cases you may need to download the box file to local server and use it as an offline vagrant base instead of downloading.

Setups to setup offline vagrant machine:

  • Download the file
  • Add it to vagrant file
  • Initialize and boot


Download the file

In order to download the box file you have to add version and provider in the URL.

For example, to download puppet box first you need its URL which is

Then you have to add version and provider afterwards, for our example the download URL would be.

Add it to vagrant file

Then you have to add it locally to vagrant file. Use the following command:

vagrant box add puppet-box d:\download\

Bonus: It will create a local vagrant folder and use it when initialize new vagrant


Initialize and boot

Create a project folder, open command window in project folder and type:

vagrant init puppet-box

Note: It will create a “Vagrantfile” in project folder.

Then boot the Vagrant machine:

vagrant up

It will create a VM “”AppSrv1” on the hypervisor after executing “vagrant up”



SSH into the Box

After vagrant box started, SSH into the box (use putty) or use the console to start customizing it . Here’s how to SSH into the box:

vagrant ssh


Some vagrant command to start/stop the vagrant machine:

Stops the vagrant machine

vagrant halt

stops and deletes all traces of vagrant machine

vagrant destroy

suspend the vagrant machine

vagrant suspend

To get more help type:

vagrant -h


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