RunAs Encrypt Password

Automate RunAs Command with Encrypted Password Using RunAsSPC


Some application require administrator permission to run and I don’t want to assign administrator permission to standard users, after doing some search I figured there is many application like “Steel RunAS”,” Runas Spc”…Etc.  (Paid and free),

I will explain how to use “Runas Spc”

What I liked about “Runas Spc”, besides the free part, was that there is nothing to install and it is very easy to encrypt the whole command. You need to download “Runas Spc” from link below:


Unzip downloaded file (example c:\Run)


double-click “runasspcadmin.exe” brows the application you want to run with Administrator privileges and  file name and path for crypt file (certification).

When you click “save crypt file”, utility will Create a certificate for needed program, the password and is saved as encrypted file into defined folder (example C:\Run\crypt.spc).


Then create shortcut on user desktop so standard user can run only the particular software as administrator

Example “C:\Run\runasspc.exe /cryptfile:C:\Run\crypt.spc /quiet”


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