Create Vagrant Box from Existing VM

How to create a Vagrant Box from Existing VM

There are a many of amazing boxes out there available on and other site, But there is still a need to build a custom box.
Maybe we want to add a few extra things to the customized base for example development tools or automation tools for QA team etc.and Instruction or ReadMe file for new employees ..

Vagrant Machine

Vagrant is a tool for building and managing virtual machine environments and focus on automation, Vagrant lowers environment setup time,

Vagrant helps you create virtual machines on-the-fly by a set of reusable configuration files.

Why Vagrant?

Vagrant provides easy to configure, reproducible, and portable work environments built on top of industry-standard technology utilities for managing the lifecycle of machines

To achieve its magic, Vagrant stands on the shoulders of giants. Machines are provisioned on top of VirtualBox, VMware, AWS, Hyper-v or any other provider. Then, industry-standard provisioning tools such as shell scripts, Chef, or Puppet, can automatically install and configure software on the virtual machine.

more .. VAGRANT Installation and VAGRANT OFFLINE SETUP