
Vagrant Machine

Vagrant is a tool for building and managing virtual machine environments and focus on automation, Vagrant lowers environment setup time,

Vagrant helps you create virtual machines on-the-fly by a set of reusable configuration files.

Why Vagrant?

Vagrant provides easy to configure, reproducible, and portable work environments built on top of industry-standard technology utilities for managing the lifecycle of machines

To achieve its magic, Vagrant stands on the shoulders of giants. Machines are provisioned on top of VirtualBox, VMware, AWS, Hyper-v or any other provider. Then, industry-standard provisioning tools such as shell scripts, Chef, or Puppet, can automatically install and configure software on the virtual machine.

more .. VAGRANT Installation and VAGRANT OFFLINE SETUP

Arista Networks and Leaf-Spine Architecture

Modern Network infrastructure designed for virtualization and the cloud
“Deploy flatter Two-Tier Network and Leaf-Spine Architecture”

As cloud architectures and multi-tenancy capabilities continue to develop and mature,  here is an economy of scale that can be realized by aggregating resources across applications, business units, and separate corporations to a common shared, yet segmented, infrastructure.

Elasticity, mobility, automation, and density of virtual machines demands new network architectures focusing on high performance, addressing portability, and the innate understanding of the virtual machine as the new building block of the datacenter.

Virtualization technologies from VMware, Citrix and Microsoft encapsulate existing applications, and abstract them from the physical hardware.The network access layer formed by virtual switches is now inside the server.

The characteristics of networks that support virtualization and cloud computing demand that legacy network practices be abandoned in favor of modern cloud networking architectures, flatter two-tier leaf-spine architecture over a legacy, enterprise
three-tier design.

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